Friday 4 September 2020

Eat food in Calm & Cozy Atmosphere.

 "भोजन और भजन एकांत और शांतिमय स्थान पर करना चाहिए..”

Eat food in Calm & cozy Atmosphere!!"- There is hidden logic behind this Adage.

#NutritionMonth #NutritionWeek 

Before explaining the reason for above adage. Lets first have a look at the Digestive process taking place in our body. This will help in resolving the query with Scientific outlook. 

The secretion of gastric juices plays a vital role during digestion.

Through Mastication a little digestion of food occurs in mouth, by the action of salivary amylase (a digestive enzyme present in saliva) the semi digested & semisolid food enters Esophagus. Passing down the Esophagus the food enters through the Cardiac Sphincter (a valve like opening present at the junction of esophagus & fundus of stomach) into the most dilatable portion of alimentary canal known as STOMACH. Stomach acts as a churner and a temporary storage organ & prepares food for intestinal digestion. The surface of inner membrane is covered with numerous tiny ducts from many gastric glands.

Now, we come back to the main point of discussion:



"भोजन और भजन एकांत और शांतिमय स्थान पर करना  चाहिए..”

Secretion of gastric juices is quite important for DIGESTION

🍚The process is both-nervous stimulated & a chemical process.

🍚Mere sight or smell of well prepared food triggers the gastric secretion.

🍚This period remains for about 20-30 minutes. At this time absorption of nutrients is at its peak. This is what can be known as period of craving for food.

🍚Chemicals too stimulate secretion.

Some chemicals present in food, interact with the walls of stomach and liberate an HORMONE called GASTRIN. Gastrin is responsible for the

feedback mechanism of  


Gastrin plays a Vital role in feedback for release of more of Gastric juices into alimentary canal.

🍚When emotions are at peak (especially anger, fear or distress) the Sympathetic nervous system is affected. Mainly secretion of Adrenalin is responsible for imbalance in feedback mechanism. Generally lowering of Gastrin secretion occurs.

This may result in-

🍛Rejection of food by stomach.

Partial digestion & partial absorption of nutrients.

🍛Loss of appetite.

🍛Feeling of butterflies in stomach due to contraction of stomach walls.

🍛Unusual dilation of cardiac sphincter..

 This can result in regurgitation of food & HEARTBURN.

🍛An imbalance in release of gastric juice –Hypo-secretion can result in indigestion.

🍛Hyper-secretion of Gastric juice may result in Gorging of food due to more feeling of hunger.

🍛Hyper-secretion may also lead to acidity due to mental stress/ tension.

We can conclude, that the mood during Food intake is important factor to ensure proper digestion & absorption of Nutrients.

Even, the speed of eating food will affect the amount of Food intake. One can eat more food, if he eats quickly, during 20-30 minutes(ie. during-Period of craving for food) when the secretion of Gastrin & other Digestive juices is at the PEAK.

One more reason to say -"Our ancestors had a scientific outlook towards life!!" 

May be, they never explained all the reasons. But they were aware of the fact that Mood during food intake effects, on amount of food intake, its digestion & absorption.

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